Steelhead Fishing Alaska
Duncan's Steelhead Camp
Flies or Lures for Wild Steelhead and Silver Salmon
Dave Duncan and Sons run some of the best river camps in Kodiak, Alaska, and they have tapped into another winner. The Duncans have discovered a remote coastal river on Kodiak Island with strong runs of steelhead and silver salmon fresh from the ocean. Their guests are the only anglers allowed to fish this special river. Steelhead average 24 to 27 inches, with large ones to 35. This walk-and-wade package is offered for eight weeks. Six anglers per week.
2025 Rate: $6,900.00 per person for 7-nights and 6.5-days guided fishing.
Secret Alaska River

You'll either take a floatplane or helicopter from Kodiak to this special little river. There are no roads to this part of Kodiak Island. A remote coastal river with strong runs of wild steelhead, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, and dolly Varden. The river is too small to run a boat on except to float guests out at the end of the week.
The Fishing Program

2025 Season: August 23 to October 18.
Guides: Top fishing guides.
Methods: Catch-and-release fishing. Walk-and-wade fishing only, expect to hike one to three miles a day.
Equipment: No equipment is provided. A detailed tackle and gear list is provided in our confirmation packet.
Fishing License: A 7-day non-resident Alaska fishing license is $45.00 and not included in the package.

A Lot of Hiking

You should be physically fit for this adventure. Although there will be great fishing around camp, at times, some of the best fishing can be found as far as a one—to two-mile hike.
Heated WeatherPort Tents

The camp is in the center of the fishery with access to the many miles of fishing. High-end WeatherPort tents on elevated platforms with heat, lighting, and carpeted floors. You will need to bring your own sleeping bag.